Dear Friend
Let’s face it – £30 doesn’t buy much these days.
A couple of cinema tickets & popcorn.
Maybe a family Saturday night take away.
You’d be lucky to get out of a decent night out at the pub with much change from that.
But what if I showed you a place where that £30 had the potential to multiply many times over.
… imagine how you’d feel if within months
that £30 had turned into £420…
£729… even £1,707…
… without you doing any work for it.
And what if it then went on to £2,000, £5,000 even £20,000 or more within the next 12-18 months!
Would you say that was a good return on a £30 stake?
Of course you would!
Well this is precisely what’s been happening for investors in on the most extraordinary boom markets in living memory.
Thanks to a new market that’s revolutionizing the way we think of money, people are making crazy returns… they dwarf even what was happening to tech stocks in the 90s!
In the last twelve months, similar £30 stakes could have gone up by…
Of course, there are other investments in that same market that didn’t make it.
But think about it…
The worst that could happen is you lose your thirty quid. You miss out on a cinema trip or a night at the pub or a Chinese meal.
However, the best outcome is that your £30 could turn into £50… £1,000… even £2,000 or more…
And it’s all thanks to cryptocurrencies.
What’s the big deal with this
cryptocurrency business?
You might have heard of Bitcoin? If so you probably know about the mind-boggling returns investors have made from it, and the many other crypto-currencies.
But is this a passing fad… or something worth serious consideration?
Well, first off, let me just say right now that there’s WAY too much hype surrounding bitcoin and cryptos. It puts people off getting into something that could be life-changing for them.
So let me make it REALLY SIMPLE.
If you’re new to cryptos… or just not sure whether this is some huge scam or the real deal, then I have a proposal I think you might like.
You’ll discover exactly what to do, including.
- How to set up your account and buy your first stake in bitcoin
- What to buy and how to keep it safe
- And I’ll even tell you the coin our expert believes could see growth that rivals the early days of Bitcoin!
You could get yourself a small stake in one cryptocurrency without any hassles or complications.
BUY IT – You could put as little as £1! but because of the small set up cost we suggest a minimum of£30. It won’t take long and we’ll hold your hand through every step.
HOLD IT – the beauty of this is that, in many cases, once you buy it you don’t need to do anything else. No more research, no day trading, no chasing trends up and down.
WATCH IT – all you need to do is keep an eye on it once in a while. Trust me, once the price starts moving you’ll find it hard to resist checking and refreshing.
As you’ll see, the price can leap as much as 10%… 15%… 30% in ONE DAY…
But not just once…
It can repeat that gain day after day… and pretty soon it can double… triple
For most investment or betting strategies, that would be a great result.
Time to lock in your gains and celebrate, right?
But not in this market.
Cryptos can go much, much further…
You’re looking at 10x, 100x, 1000x your initial stake, at a rate that you’ve probably never experienced in your life – and maybe never will again.
Just to give you an idea…
In 2010, you could buy 10,000 bitcoins for £25.
If you’d put £25 in at the time… just 7 years ago…
You’d be sitting on 30 MILLION pounds now
And the market is still going nuts…
Bitcoin was recently trading above $8,000 and could easily hit $10,000 by the end of this year…
But Crypto commentators believe it’s still early days and the potential is huge over the coming years:
In a report published in 2016 by Danish investment bank Saxo, analyst Kay Van Petersen correctly predicted Bitcoin’s early 2017 surge more than $2,000.
He’s now saying it could hit $100,000 by 2027.
That’s a surge of 3,483% from its recent high.
Jeremy Liew, the first investor in social media success story Snapchat, goes even further…
He’s predicting Bitcoin could hit $500,000 over the same period.
And Icelandic politician and financial analyst Rick Valkringe has topped even those with a prediction of $1 million per coin.
But bitcoin is just one small part of this extraordinary story…
The really big gains are now to be found in the 2nd wave of coins… the ‘alt coins’ that are being launched thanks to the trailblazing tech behind Bitcoin (something called blockchain).
These coins have the real potential to repeat what Bitcoin has done… and more.
For example, if you’d invested in this alt coin just £100 a year ago, you would have been sitting on £3,925 by May this year.
– Litecoin up 980%
A £100 stake in Litecoin would have rocketed in value to £1,080.
– Dash up 1,690%
If you’d invested a modest £100 in Dash in May 2016 you could have traded out a year later at £1,790.
– Ripple up 4,210%
Your £100 stake would have grown to £4,310 in 12 months to 30th June 2017.
If you’d put £100 in each of these on 1st July 2016, your combined bank would now be an incredible £11,105!
And yet, you wouldn’t have risked more than £400!
And if you’d put £1000 into each?
You’d now be up £111,050!
This is how profitable and fast-moving this market is, if you know what you’re doing. Which is why I’m writing to you now.
Today I want to show you the alt coin recommendation that has the potential to equal or even SURPASS these big winners.
This is based on the knowledge and experience of a crypto millionaire who has spent the last 5 years right in the middle of the action.
This will include simple, step by step instructions on how to get set up quickly and with the minimum of bother. No confusion. No fuss. And the biggest potential upside.
Why only one crypto recommendation?
Because it’s an easy way for you to try out crypto currency investing for ‘take away’ money – just £30 or a little more. Enough to dip your toe into the water without risking much.
I know that if it takes off as I expect it to… then you will be hungry to find other coins like it.
But the key is to act now before it’s too late and you miss out.
You see, you can never predict precisely when a crypto is going to skyrocket…
They may steadily rise for weeks or months…
But when they reach ‘escape velocity’, the accelerated gains can be unreal!
So that’s why I urge you to put your £30 to good use today. Claim your copy of XXXXX and get the top crypto pick for 2017-2018 before it takes off.
Seriously, this is one of the few times in history in which someone like you can make serious life-changing money without needing to be rich, or skilled, or well connected…
Where you could potentially take £30, £50 or £100 and see it turn into tens of thousands of pounds in a few years.
What you have here is a totally new breed of high octane investment opportunities that could bank you gains of 980%, 1,395%, 3,825%, 6,190% or more…
These kinds of profits aren’t normally open to the ‘little people’.
Ordinary investors are usually locked out of the best financial opportunities by the banks, trading houses and city institutions.
They like to keep the hottest deals to themselves – make sure they’re always first in line –
You and I are left to fight over the scraps once all the big moves have been made.
But with the cryptos that’s all changed.
For the first time in history, the power has shifted away from the insiders…
It throws the market wide open to everyone… you and I can get involved for just a few pounds… without technical skills or experience… connections or a massive trading bank…
However, time is of the essence…
How much you make depends on how quickly you act on this invitation…
Today I want to show you the easiest and cheapest way I know to get right into the heart of the action… before you miss out and spend the next five years kicking yourself.
You don’t need to join some expensive service or spend thousands training or need a big stake to see big returns…
In fact, you can get involved now for just £30.
And remember, all you need to do is BUT IT, HOLD IT, then WATCH IT as the price starts moving.
You could join ordinary people who have followed our experts advice and turned very modest investments into gains that are genuinely life changing…
Like these…
“From a small nest egg to a significant life-changing holding…
increasing by an almost unbelievable 130,000%”
Terry M
“… I have realised 10,000% profits”
“… my initial investment has grown from $0.27 per
coin to well over $300 per coin,
over 11,000% increase.”
Ian F
And this is still early days of the bull market, not the end…
A lot of people assume that the big moves are over… that the boom is finished… that there can’t be more to come.
Far from it.
Believe it or not, you’re in the early days of the cryptocurrency boom.
Compared to the other global markets, the cryptocurrency market is still TINY.
Its $160 billion is small change to the $5.3 TRILLION in Forex trading on an average EVERY DAY.
What’s more it’ll be at least another two to three years before the crowd really catch on.
So it’s perfect time for you to make some serious money!
But the clock is ticking on this one particular opportunity I’d like to introduce you to.
Other coins will come later, but this is the ONE our expert believes has the greatest upside potential.
You see, this crypto is a very clever piece of software that was recently adopted by one of the world’s biggest banks to protect its customers from hackers and cyber thieves…
Can you see how the value of that software could soar overnight once it roves itself in a real-life situation?
That’s why you absolutely need to get in now.
Waiting even a few months from now and this crypto could have taken off.
“But isn’t this risky?”
Look, I know how you might feel right now.
You don’t want to risk big money… your time… or effort on something that could turn out to be a turkey.
You don’t want to join some high-priced service right now.
You don’t want to end up having to explain why you spent the holiday money or the food budget on a ‘system’.
But this is none of the above.
For an investment of £30, you could dip your toe in the crypto pool and see what happens.
Better than looking back in 5-10 years and realisng you missed out on the single greatest moneymaking opportunity in your lifetime…
Seriously, the worst that could happen is you lose a few quid, which is bad of course… but the upside?
You could turn £20 stake into £2,000 or more…
…£50 into £5,000…
…or £100 into £10,000 within the next 12 -18 months…
And to give you the best possible chance of achieving these kind of gains, I’ve got a top expert to give you a fast-track guide, with everything you need to get into cryptocurrencies without any prior knowledge or experience.
And he knows his stuff…
He got into Bitcoin back in February 2012 when it was trading below £1.50.
For £1,200 he bought around 800 Bitcoins.
In total, his combined crypto investing and trading activities helped him bank a further £9 million+
To say he’s a successful crypto trader would be a major understatement.
But it’s because of his huge success he has to stay anonymous.
To publicise his name would leave him open to hackers and that wouldn’t be fair on him so I have agreed particularly as he’s offering to help you start your own crypto portfolio with his top altcoin pick.
Your opportunity to raid this exploding market for 11,000%+ gains
Today you can have our expert’s fast-track into Cryptocurrencies.
You’ll get everything you need to buy and hold crypto currencies… a complete walk through of how to get into the market… showing you how to set up your account, buy your first coin.
This include how to videos with step by step demonstrations.
All from a pioneer and passionate crypto-currency devotee who has been involved this industry for years.
This XXXXXXX including his 100X crypto pick is yours for £XX.
You can order it today, read it, act on the recommendation and – if you’re not happy for any reason, send it back in 30 days for a refund.
But you really need to get in soon.
Respond to this invitation too late and you could miss out on your greatest ever opportunity to leverage huge wealth out of a tiny stake.
So don’t wait around for the rest of the herd to get a sniff of this opportunity.
If you’re still wondering whether to get involved in cryptocurrencies or not, please don’t delay any longer.
It’s decision time NOW…
This top recommendation could go skywards at any time from today!
Best wishes
Nick Laight
PS: I can’t stress enough the urgency here. Here is a new breed of investments that could bank you gains of 980%, 1,395%, 3,825%, 6,190% or more within a year or two. But to catch the biggest moves you need to act today. Click hereto get a top crypto currency recommendation from our expert insider.